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The IRS released final regulations and related guidance regarding bonus credits and deductions for taxpayers that satisfy prevailing wage and apprenticeship (PWA) requirements. The regulations apply to certain “green” energy tax provisions, such as the §179D Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction and the §45L Energy Efficient Home Credit, as well as others like the §48 Energy Investment Credit, which were modified or enacted by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022....

The IRS recently released Announcement 2024-24, notifying taxpayers that Reference Standard 90.1-2022 is the applicable reference standard required under the §179D Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction for ‘Energy Efficient Commercial Building Property’ (EECBP) placed in service after December 31, 2028, and the construction of which did not begin by December 31, 2022....

The recent MBJ v. Commissioner ruling highlights the important role of contract language in determining eligibility for Research and Development (R&D) Credits. MBJ, a structural engineering firm, had $190,000 in credits disallowed due to inadequate contract language. Although MBJ's contracts allowed for phase inspections and termination for substantial failure to perform, they lacked explicit provisions making payments contingent on the success of R&D efforts or refunding payments if the client found the work deficient. ...

In an interview by Arda Bircan from STR Tax Loophole, Alex Bagne, President of ICS, explains how savvy investors combine cost segregation with the short-term rental loophole to minimize income taxes, grow a real estate portfolio, and build generational wealth. He discusses a real-life scenario in which a successful C-level executive earning $500K annually from his job buys a $1 million-dollar short-term rental property to produce income, and then has a cost segregation performed to generate huge tax deductions that significantly reduce his tax liabilities....

On Thursday, March 21, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on the Biden 2025 Budget Proposal, questioning Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on various aspects of the proposed budget, with many members noting concern about the proposed increase of the corporate tax rate and aspects of the budget that would have a negative impact on various American manufacturing industries. After weeks of silence from the Senate, many members of the committee stated their desire to see the tax bill (H.R. 7024) passed while urging Yellen and the administration for more aggressive incentivization of R&D in the US, which falls short in incentivizing R&D when compared to countries, specifically China....