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On July 27, 2017, House Representatives Dave Reichert (R-WA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), and Tom Reed (R-NY) introduced new legislation to permanently extend and modify the §179D Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction (§179D Deduction). While there has been previous legislation to extend the §179D Deduction beyond 2016, this is the first to receive bipartisan support....

ICS is pleased to provide services for American Excelsior. American Excelsior supplies excelsior wood fiber products to serve diverse markets and applications. From baled excelsior to Aspen animal bedding to evaporative cooler pads, wood excelsior products have an almost endless list of applications. American Excelsior offers more than 50 different cuts of excelsior fibers to meet even the most specialized applications...

ICS Tax, LLC (ICS) is excited to announce that its president, Alex Bagne, was elected as the President of the American Society of Cost Segregation Professionals (ASCSP). The ASCSP was founded in 2006 as the preeminent professional society for all members of the cost segregation industry. Headquartered in Washington, DC, ASCSP was created to address the growing need for credentials, technical standards, education, and a Code of Ethics within the cost segregation industry....