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A recent court case denied a taxpayer the Research Credit under IRC §41 since it could not substantiate proper use of the “start-up” base period to calculate its credit rather than use of the 1984-1988 base period. IRC §41 permits a taxpayer to use a base period of either 1984-1988 or, if certain criteria are met, an alternative base period intended to make the credit available to “start-up” companies that were not in business from 1984-1988....

The U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS has issued proposed regulations (REG-104397-18) providing guidance on Section 168(k), which was amended by P.L. 115-97, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The TCJA increased the allowable first-year depreciation deduction for qualified property from 50% to 100% for property acquired and placed in service after Sept. 27, 2017. This will get phased down by 20% per year beginning after Dec. 22, 2022. The biggest change that arose from tax reform was the ability to now take bonus depreciation on used property by waiving the original-use requirement. ...