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ICS Tax, LLC is pleased to provide services for Mead Johnson Nutrition Company. Mead Johnson is a major manufacturer of infant formula both domestically and globally with its flagship product Enfamil. With more than 70 products in over 50 countries, Mead Johnson products are trusted by millions of parents and healthcare professionals around the world....

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]ICS Tax, LLC is pleased to provide services for American Excelsior. American Excelsior supplies excelsior wood fiber products to serve diverse markets and applications. From baled excelsior to Aspen animal bedding to evaporative cooler pads, wood excelsior products have an almost endless list of applications. American Excelsior offers more than 50 different cuts of excelsior fibers to meet even the most specialized applications.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]...

[vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text]ICS teamed with Sherwood Forest, Inc. to provide an assessment of areas that could reduce the ball club’s expenses. Upon due diligence that suggested overlooked tax incentives and further energy efficiency opportunities, we were retained by the Minnesota Twins Baseball Club to provide certification services for the §179D Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction (also known as EPACT) on the full stadium.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="grid" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_column_text] What our clients say about our work [/vc_column_text][testimonials_carousel category="twins" show_navigation="yes" navigation_style="light" auto_rotate_slides="10"][/vc_column][/vc_row]...

Jostens, an American manufacturer of memorabilia, have made significant investment towards energy-efficient improvements at multiple facilities within their real-estate portfolio along with recent new real estate acquisitions....